Resources for Farmers

Welcome to our Resources for Farmers! Here, you’ll find a range of tools and information tailored to support sustainable and effective farming practices, organized by media type—articles, webinars, and more. Click on the topic of your interest below to get started.

Understanding how on-farm management and surrounding land use affects biodiversity and its impact on production

nMesa de trabajo 4

Understanding and mitigating food safety risks

Leveraging the services of biodiversity to help control pests

Managing farms for bird conservation

Management of pest birds

Bird identification resources

In addition to the resources provided on this page that we created, we highly recommend using the great tools created by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology to help with bird identification and management. The Merlin bird ID app can help you identify birds auditorily and visually. is a great place to find natural history and identification information. Nestwatch has great information on building, installing, and monitoring nestboxes. Further, Wild Farm Alliance has an amazing archive of videos and resources for farmers who wish to use the services of biodiversity to help them farm.

Work with us

Farmers like you make all of our research possible. Our results are only as useful to you as we are able to survey farms like yours to represent your unique approach, land stewardship, and values. We can never thank our farmer collaborators enough, but we try to give back in the ways we can by sharing what we find!

We send all our grower collaborators data from their farms, which can be used in environmental certifications. We also send collaborators copies of scientific publications, extension articles, webinar recordings, etc. so that you can understand what we found at your farm.